EU-USA: common vision for competitiveness
Írta: nyitrai zsolt • 2011. feb. 11. • 15:18 Nincs hozzászólás[@ 11.02.11.] The competitiveness of the European Union is subject to an efficient spectrum policy – the United States shifts into higher speed in the field of spectrum policy.
The Hungarian politician, who also chairs the Telecommunications Council during Hungary’s EU Presidency, welcomed the new broadband strategy of the United States, pointing out that the goals set out therein are also consistent with the European objectives promoted during the Hungarian EU presidency.
The strategy which was announced yesterday by President Obama aims to deploy wireless coverage to 98 percent of all Americans within a few years, connecting every corner of America to the digital age. This goal is to be achieved through opening up considerable amount of radio spectrum for commercial purposes.
“There is a need for a more flexible and smart spectrum policy to improve Europe’s competitiveness. The United States is taking huge steps to promote the country’s competitiveness and Europe cannot afford to fall behind. More efficient utilization of spectrum will reinforce not only investments but also innovation, and is crucial for the competitiveness of creative industries. Accordingly, the Hungarian EU Presidency will do its utmost to adopt by the end of June the new, consensus-based spectrum strategy of the European Union” – said Zsolt Nyitrai.