[@ 11.01.05.] Zsolt Nyitrai, Minister of State for Infocommunications and Chairman of the TTE Telecom Council during Hungary’s EU Presidency held talks with leaders of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) on Wednesday.

BEREC – established on the basis of the new Telecoms Package – delivers recommendations and provides advise to the European Commission and the regulatory authorities of the Member States to ensure more consistency of regulation on the telecoms markets in Europe and to support the development of a single market.

At the Wednesday meeting the parties reviewed the tasks of the Hungarian Presidency and Zsolt Nyitrai also outlined the key priorities to the participants; the primary focus of the TTE Telecom Council during the Hungarian Presidency will be the prolongation of ENISA’s mandate, protection of critical infrastructures, and the establishment of the radio spectrum policy with the aim of radically improving the European Union’s competitiveness. Zsolt Nyitrai also noted that this will be carried out in line with the principles and priorities set forth in the Digital Agenda, the flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 strategy.

At the end of the meeting Zsolt Nyitrai pointed out that the European national regulatory authorities on board BEREC shall have adequate powers to secure strong consumer protection in order to ensure that service providers fulfill their contractual obligations towards consumers entirely.

The bilateral meeting was attended by Chris Fonteijn, Chairman of BEREC and the Dutch regulatory authority and Ladislav Mikuš Vice Chairman of BEREC and Chairman of the Slovakian regulatory authority.