Significant progress expected by May concerning ENISA dossier
Minister of State for Infocommunications Zsolt Nyitrai, representing the Hungarian EU Presidency met Giles Chichester, the European Parliament’s chief rapporteur for ENISA and Christian Ehler and Silvia-Adriana Ticau the dossiers’ shadow rapporteurs and European Commission officials to discuss the proposed temporary extension of the mandate and also the modernisation of ENISA.

Broadband for All
[@ 11.03.03.] Zsolt Nyitrai, Minister of State for Infocommunications representing the Ministry of National Development opened the All for Broadband – Broadband for All international conference in Budapest on 3 March, 2011. VIDEO

American appreciation to the Hungarian EU Presidency in the field of telecoms
[@ 11.03.03.] A bilateral meeting in connection with the Hungarian EU Presidency took place between Zsolt Nyitrai, Chair of the Telecommunications Council, and the delegation of AT&T, America’s leading telecommunications company on Wednesday, in the Ministry of National Development.

Speed up Europe!
[@ 11.02.16.] Fast, effective, smart and a clear European consensus is needed for strengthening and preserving Europe’s competitiveness. VIDEO
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