[@ 11.03.03.] A bilateral meeting in connection with the Hungarian EU Presidency took place between Zsolt Nyitrai, Chair of the Telecommunications Council, and the delegation of AT&T,  America’s leading telecommunications company on Wednesday, in the Ministry of National Development.

Minister of State Nyitrai presented the programme of the Hungarian Presidency and its priorities related to telecommunications. According to Eric H. Loeb, Vice President of AT&T, the priorities have been properly selected as both security and spectrum are the utmost significant issues at the moment.

The parties agreed, that the need for an ever increasing mobility is going to define spectrum as an even more important and valuable asset in the future. Accordingly, Nyitrai underlined that the Hungarian Presidency is committed to give its best effort to achieve as much progress as possible on the European Spectrum Strategy.

Eric H. Loeb highlighted that spectrum coordination – both at EU and wider international level – requires special attention in order to maximize the benefits of economies of scale. Accordingly, one of the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency – regarding spectrum policy – is to facilitate the elaboration of the most unified EU position to be represented by Member States at the World Radiocommunication Conference in 2012 – Nyitrai added.

In terms of broadband development Mr Loeb also mentioned, that a country’s respective strategy has to take into account national peculiarities while building on international experience. Mr Nyitrai stressed that national broadband strategies are of indeed utmost importance in implementing the Digital Agenda for Europe in the Member States.

At the end of the meeting the parties agreed to continue the dialogue and to maintain the exchange of best practices in the future as well.